Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

Learned How to Ride a Motorcycle

Suhendi - IX B
By. Suhendi, IX B

When I was in the fourth grade, I saw a child as old as I was riding a motorcycle. I wanted to be like him, riding motorcycle too but at that moment I did not have a motorcycle.When I was returned home from school. I talked to my father " father I want to have a motorcycle" my father answered " yeah, Iwill buy you a motorcycle when I have money." after some months, when I returned home from school, I saw there was a motorcycle in my house.

I asked my mother. whose motorcycle was that she told me that the motorcycle in mine. Iwas so happy at that moment to
know that I have motorcycle. After sholat dzuhur  I directly learned how to ride a motorcycle. At that time, my father taught me. After some days learning with my father I decided to learn by my self.

When I was riding the motorcycle, suddenly there was a cat passed by almost hit it. I was panicked, I turned the motorcycle to the side, and I hit the mango tree, I feel down my hand and my foot where swollen. From that moment I stayed on bad four days, and I was absent from school. After fully neconered I learned riding a motorcycle again, and I never fall from the motorcycle from that time. I'm so proud of my self.

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