Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Jack Si Pengkhayal Besar

0leh.Evi Mulya VIII-B

Di sebuah pedesaan kecil jauh dari keramaian, ada satu rumah kecil, dihuni oleh satu keluarga,dalam rumah tersebut dihuni oleh empet insan, terdiri dari ayah,ibu,kedua adiku dan aku jack.seorang anak laki-laki yang senang mengkhayal, bisa juga di sebut jack si pengkhayal besar. Setiap hari aktivitasku hanyalah mengkhayal, tidur, dan makan. Tak ada kegiatan lain selain itu karena aku seorang pengkhayal. Aku sama sekali tidak ingin melakukan apapun selain mengkhayal di dalam kamar.


Oleh.Desy Ratnasari - VIII B
Namaku Desy, aku bersekolah di SMPN 5 CIBINONG.aku sudah dua tahun bersekolah di sini, rasanya aku telah mengenal betul sekolahnya, cat temboknya, pagarnya, halaman tempat aku dan temanku bermain,serta beberapa ruang kelas tempatku dan temanku belajar.

Sudah dua tahun aku bergaul dengan teman sekelasku, sehari saja ada yang tidak masuk rasannya seperti tidak lengkap. Aku merasa begitu kehilangan aku telah mengenal betul raut wajah, suara, sikap, cara bicara, serta sipat teman-temanku.

Selasa, 29 Mei 2012


Oleh : Novi Salpiana Habiba (SMAN 1 Cibinong - Lulusan SMPN 5 Cibinong tahun 2010 )

Senja t'lah berganti,
goresan luka yang ku arungi.
Sisakan cerita cinta kita,
di sini.

Tak ada lagi canda,
Tak ada lagi ada tawa,
Di kala sepi menghampiri

Hembusan angin dan lamunan sunyi
 yang menemani...

Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

Pantun Jahe

Oleh: Nurlela VIII A

Akar jangkung jahe koneng
Lampuyang pamura beteung
Ngarasa’an jangkung koneng
Puguhna mah heret hideng

Salawe dua puluh lima
Salikur dua puluh hiji
Awewe jaman ayena
Di calukur kawas lalaki

Beuki waluh beuki waluh
Akhir na melak di tongoh

Pantun Nyindir

Oleh: Ina Nuriah Asamaul Pauzi VIII – A

Lain cai lain walungan
Tapi kitri nu ngajajar
Lain ki’ai lain ajengan
Tapi santri nu di ajar 

Mawa kitab di kekelek
Ngocek aci gegerohan
Ulah tolab dinu poek
Te kaci  da bobogohan


Oleh: Erniawati VIII-A

Lamun boga pangkat luhur
Entong sok poho kadulur
Jeng baraya kudu akur
Boga rizki delek ngaur 

                                Ulah rasa maneh nyingkur
                                Ku setan gampang ka gusur
                                Hirup sing bisa diatur
                                Sing eling bakal dikubur

Amarah ulah diabur
Sarakah kudu dilebur

Pantun Deudeuh

Oleh: Eli Sumyati VIII A

Gatot kaca putra na bima
Jaka tawang ngaran lanceukna
Anu maca saha namina
Kasawang endah rupina

                                Jauh-jauh nyiar awi
                                Nyiar-nyiar pimerangen
                                Jauh-jauh nyusul abdi
                                Nyiar-nyiar pimelangen

Pantun Bogoh

Oleh : Nurul Azizah Nasution - VIII A

Mun hayang nonggoh mah jadi                    
Sih hapunten nanjak hela
Mun akang bogoh ka abdi
Cing janten sarjana hela 

                                Daun cangkang papisahna
                                Masing Jauh rek di ala
                                Mun akang atos sarjana
                                Masing kersa damel hela


NN, ditulis ulang oleh: Wina Sapitri VIII A

Nyanggakeun ieu pitutur
Lain indung loba catur
Kanya'ah mah teu kaukur
Sanajan ngan ukur saur
Malah urang kudu sukur
Sabar tawekal tapakur
Pan hirup aya nu ngatur
Gusti nu maha luhur

Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

Arti Kegagalan

Oleh : Novi Salpiana Habiba (Siswi SMP N 5 Cibinong, Lulusan tahun 2010)
(Dikirim via sms pada pukul 17.15)

Gagal itu penting, karena sukses berawal dari gagal.Gagal dan gagal, itulah yang membuat mental kita akan semakin kuat, mempunyai kekuatan pertahanan dan penyerangan yang terukur, dan mampu mengevaluasi secara objektif faktor faktor penyebabnya. 

Pantun Sunda

oleh:Risna Herdiani

Manuk entep dina pager
na sukuna aya bola
mun hayang jadi pinter
kudu getol sakola

melak jaer dina kesik
dituruban daun kalapa
ulah beuger ti leuleutik
ngahesekeun indung bapa


Oleh Sriyanti VII B

Entah sampai kapan ku harus mencari
Mencari sesuatu yang tak mungkin ku temukan
Ku mencari seseorang yang bisa menemani hari-hariku
Berbagi rasa,sedih senang kita lalui bersama

Tapi rasanya itu tak mungkin
Sudah lama sekali ku mencari
Seorang sahabat yang bisa ngerti'in aku


0leh ;Kurniawati VII A

Kukira kuakan selamanya denganmu
Tak kusangka, cerita cinta yang selama ini kita bina bersama,
Hanyalah sebuah cerita.
Sebenarnya aku masih sayang dan cinta padamu, tapi semuanya telah berkurang
Setelah aku tau apa yang kau perbuat dibelakangku.
Selamat tinggal kasih untuk selamanya ....
walau  aku berat untuk melepasmu
Tapi aku  juga punya perasaan,
Aku punya hati bukan untuk disakiti
Pesan dariku jangan pernah lakuin hal yang sama pada wanita lain.
Cukup hanya aku yang merasakannya.

gambar diambil dari sini

Senin, 21 Mei 2012


Oleh : Novi Salpiana Habiba (Siswi lulusan tahun 2010)
(dikirim via sms pad 21 Mei Pukul 17.30)
Rintihan suara tangis yang kudengar adalah kamu dengan cintamu,
Di mana pun kamu berada, sesungguhnya hatiku selalu bersamamu...

Kau hadir di sela tangis ku,
Kau pula penenang jiwa laraku,
Meski saat ini kita telah lama tak bertemu,
Namun ku selalu rindu segalanya tentang dirimu.

How to Make Delicious Fried Rice

oleh : Winda Widyawati dan Lusi ( Siswi SMPN 5 Cibinong lulusan 2011)

 To make delicious Fried Rice you need:
  • rice
  • salt
  • ketchup
  • onion
  • tomato
  • MSG
  • egg

Selamat Pagi Cinta

Oleh : Ijang Muhammad Ali Badar

Ku terbangun dari tidurku,
Kusapa pagi dengan cintaku
Bersama embun pagi dengan dedaunan.

Kusambut Cinta dengan penuh perasaan
Hangatnya mentari sinari bumi
Diiringi kicauab burung di perbukitan

Bersama cinta pujaan hati
Kujemput pagi penuh harapan


oleh Nurlela IX B
 When I was twelve I fell in love for the first time.I felling love with a boy who was so handsome and charming his named was Mr.Z when I met him my heart was beating one day when I was sitting in the canteen.
he asked me, "cloud I sit with you?" I replayed with shy" hmm mm of course" when we say he loved me, accepted it because I liked him too, I was so happy why I was so happy? maybe I really loved him until I hardly slept, his face was always there in my eyes, smiling at me. Love was beautiful when it's served with great affection and love is fun but sometimes painful. I felt hurt because because the man I loved had turned in to another woman.


Oleh : Ai Sonia IX-A

When I was a child, my family and I went vacation to the beach. on the trip I was so happy that I almost fell off the motorcycle. At the time I went to the beach I wear my favorite color orange and down her pants I was wearing black. When we got to the beach, I became more fun and happier. After that my family and I decided where we were going to sit. Then I played with my brother on the beach. the beach was very crowded may people came to the beach that day, the waves were calm the scenery was very beautiful, the weather was so bright, and I really felt at home and wanted to stay longer on the beach.

Celebrating New Years in Bandung

Oleh : Mesi Marsela IX B

When I was a child. I went shopping to Bandung
 with my brother. At that time I was eight years old. Because Bandung was far away from my house. we took public transport . When we arrived in Bandung Town square. I was so surprised with the new year celebration was so gay. The food vendors lined around the town square, there were also toys merchants, trumpet traders and a very big entertainment stage. and in there my brother and I also bought doll and food from in bring to home.


Oleh : Reva Nurdiana IX-A

When I was six years old, I was invited to visit my uncle in Bogor. Went with my mother by motor cycle we left home at 07:15 on the way to Bogor saw a cake shop and wish stopped to buy a cake as a present for my uncle. After that we continue 6 house to get to Bogor. We arrived at my uncle house at 13.00 then we entered his uncle house and we sat down and ate cake in brought to his uncle. after that I showered and rested with his mother. At 16.00 uncle invited me went


Oleh      : Lesi Andiani - IX A
 When I was five years old, I was invited by mom to go to a carnival in sindang barang . at that time, I was wearing shirt and pants the purple one, while my mom was wearing a blue shirt and pants. I went there by a motorcycle. On the way to Sindang Barang I locked at the scenerery  which was so beautiful. It was so beautiful so I did not realize we had reached Sindang Barang. When we arrived I was so surprised because there were many people in Sindang Barang. I was so surprised until I could not blink.

And suddenly I was surprised by my mom, she said “hey…. Don’t astonished, lets go to a haunted house?. At  first I was interested but

Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

My Lovely Day

Hello… my name is Kurniawati. I am a student of SMPN 5 Cibinong. Now I want to tell you about my lovely day. 

I usually get up at 05.00 then I take wudhu and pray Subuh. After that I take a bath from 06.00 until 06.30 then, I have breakfast at 06.40-06.50 after that I go to school at 07.15. Sometimes I clean up the classroom. Then, I take a break from 09.00 until 10.00 then, I go home at 12.00. I always take a bath and pray Dzuhur. Sometimes I help my mother: wash clothes, wash dishes, iron the clothes, and cook in the kitchen. 


Oleh: Wina Sapitri VIII A
 Pernahkah kamu merasa kehausan
Betapa berharganya air
Air sering di sebut
Sumber kehidupan

Kita akan mati
Kalau tidak minum
Binatang dan tunbuhan
Pun membutuhkan air

Setiap mahluk hidup membutuhkan air
Dan begitu berharganya air
Manfaatmu begitu banyak
Kita harus memelihara air
(gambar diambil dari sini)

Gak Mau Kehilangan

Oleh: Eli Sumyati VIII A

Kau datang tiba-tiba
Seakan-akan duniaku
Telah menantikanmu

Aku tidak  takut
 Kehilangan Tapi    
Begitu menghadapi mu

Aku baru merasakan
Bahwa aku benar-benar
Takut kehilangan mu


Oleh: Nurul Azizah Nasution VIII A  

Di desa ku air mengialir jernih
Di tepi sungai yang panjang
Ikan-ikan  berenang dengan senang
Desaku amat tentram dan damai

Gunung walana di batas pandang
Menjulang hijau

Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

Fell From Motorcycle

Oleh : Ani Maryani VIII B

When I was twelve years old, my sister and I were invited to visit 'Pasar Malam' by my parents. At that time, the atmosphere was cloudy. At 03.00 we went there by my uncle's motorcycle. We stopped in a stall to buy drink. There I saw many people who wanted to go there too.

When we arrived, we saw many people from visitors to sellers. There were doughnut sellers, shoes sellers, fruits sellers, toys sellers, and many more. Then we stopped. I bought blouse and shoes. My mother bought cake, doughnut, fruits. My sister bought a doll, hat and others.

Senin, 14 Mei 2012

My Lovely Bedroom

gbr: http://bedroomdecorations.bedroomimagesbedroo.com

My bedroom is beautiful. It is big and white. There is a red bed, but there is no pink bed. There are two white pillows on my bed. There is a brown cupboard in front of my bed, but there is no green cupboard.

There is a green cupboard. There is a green bookcase in front of my desk. There are ten red toys. There are two pairs of black shoes beside the bookcase, but there is no white shoes. There are ten pink images on the wall but there is no grey image. My bedroom is very tidy. I love my bedroom.
(oleh : Sriyanti VII B)

Kamis, 10 Mei 2012


Oleh Hovi purnamasari –VIII B

gbr: enigmindtic.blogspot.com
Kasih kau begitu indah di mataku
Kau begitu berarti untukku
Kau begitu sempurna di hatiku

Kasih hanya kau yang kusayang
Membuat damai dihati
Hanya kaulah yang kucintai

Kasih hanya kau yang kudambakan
Hanya kau yang kuinginkan
Kasih Sayang hanya untukmu seorang

Jasa Seorang Ibu

Oleh : Ida Widyawati - VIII B
Gbr: dhewy.com

Ibu… !!!

Kau yang telah melahirkan kami
Kau yang telah menyusui kami
Dan,kaulah yang telah membesarkan kami



Oleh Dessy Ratnasari - VIII B
Gbr: jejaksimungil.blogspot.com

Tersenyumlah saat kau mengingatku
Karena saat itu aku sangat merindukanmu
Dan menangislah saat kau merindukanku
Karena saat itu aku tak berada disampingmu

Tetapi pejamkanlah mata indahmu itu
Karena saat itu aku akan terasa ada didekatmu
Mata indah yang dahulu adalah milikku
Kini semuanya terasa jauh meninggalkanku

Tak ada yang tersisa lagi untukku
Selain kenangan indah bersamamu


Oleh:  Ani Maryani VIII B
Gbr: ahmadustuhri.multiply.com
Andai aku dapat mengulang waktu
mungkin takkan ku sia-siakan dirimu
aku hidup hanya untukmu
dan tak ingin aku mengecewakanmu

Kini yang ada hanya penyesalan
yang selalu menganggu pikiran
berharap agar semua cepat berlalu
agar aku dapat meneruskan hidupku

Antara Cinta dan Benci

gbr: http://3.bp.blogspot.com
Oleh Siska Dewi - VIII B

Cinta membutuhkan ketulusan
cinta tak mengharapkan balasan
cinta pun bisa memisahkan
cinta bahkan membuatku hampa

Benci karena cinta
benci karena tak terbalaskan
benci karena terpisahkan
bahkan cinta dan benci bersatu


 Oleh: Rani Mardiana
Gbr: http://4.bp.blogspot.com
Mengapa kau tinggalkanku
mengapa kau menduakan cintaku
mengapa kau pergi tinggalkanku
disaat aku membutuhkanmu

Hidupku terasa tak berarti tanpamu
hidupku terasa hampa tanpamu disisiku
kini hari-hariku tak terhiasi lagi dengan senyuman manismu

Mungkin kamu bahagia dengan perpisahan ini
walau sangat berat bagiku
semoga kamu bahagia dengan perpisahan ini
dan aku akan selalu menyayangimu

Indah di Pagi Itu

Oleh Lihawati - VIII B
gbr: http://vadlanisme.blogspot.com

Kicau burung di pagi itu
membangunkanku dari tidurku
kubuka jendela kamar
sambil sejenak kupandangi alam sekitar

Angin yang begitu dingin
Dan embun pagi yang menghiasi dedaunan
Menyambut indahnya hari minggu
Oh Tuhan... Sungguh indahnya ciptaanmu

The Accident

Tati - IX B
By. Tati - IX B

When I was six my parent and I visited my grandma's in Bandung. Before went off in morning my mother make a cake for grandmother as a gift. we left home at 07.00 by a motorcycle. on the way to bandung at about 11.00 we had one accident we fell from the motorcycle my father and I only got a light in jurys my mother's head hit a rock and was unconsclous! we called my grandmother in bandung. my grandmother and uncle come to the visit my mother.

The accident made became a traumaticed event and I dont want to ride the bike when visiting grandma's house again.

Learned How to Ride a Motorcycle

Suhendi - IX B
By. Suhendi, IX B

When I was in the fourth grade, I saw a child as old as I was riding a motorcycle. I wanted to be like him, riding motorcycle too but at that moment I did not have a motorcycle.When I was returned home from school. I talked to my father " father I want to have a motorcycle" my father answered " yeah, Iwill buy you a motorcycle when I have money." after some months, when I returned home from school, I saw there was a motorcycle in my house.

I asked my mother. whose motorcycle was that she told me that the motorcycle in mine. Iwas so happy at that moment to


Oleh: Risna Herdiani- VIIIA

Ya Allah,ampunilah dosa-dosaku
ampunilah dosa-dosa kedua orang tuaku
mudahkanlah rizki kedua orang tuaku
dan sehatkanlah selalu

Ya Allah, kubersujud padamu
ku angkat kedua tanganku

Poetry Reading

    By: Saeful Bahri - IX B
Saeful Bahri IX B
When I was ten years old. I joined a contest in the school I joined poetry reading contest. When I was reading the poem, for the first time my friends laughed at me. It was embarrassing. so I learned harder how to read the poem.

When I was practicing. all the people watched me. I become more shy and my friend Wais supported me. My teacher who taugh me how to read the poem was angry because i could not read the poem fluently. After finished, I went home with wais, he ask me,"how was exercise ? I said." As usual, but my teacher mad at me because I could not read the poem well." I said good bye to Wais when we got home."